SaaSiest Female Founders

The SaaSiest Female Founders is an exclusive membership group for Female Founders of European headquartered, B2B SaaS companies.

The network has been developed to facilitate peer-to-peer conversations, allowing founders to directly and openly discuss strategic and operational challenges and opportunities. The focus is on intimate and in-depth conversations.

How does it work?

  1. Meetups 9 meetups a year for peer-to-peer discussions. These are in general digital but at least one will be in-person in conjunction with the SaaSiest conference. The agenda will be driven by the group itself but with SaaS Nordic as moderators

  2. Digital Community Access to a closed Slack group where you can communicate directly and ad-hoc with the others in the group


  • Being a Female Founder of a B2B SaaS Company

What is the cost of a membership?

Membership is free, but you must have 2/3 attendance to stay in the group.

SaaSiest Female Founders
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