HomePodcast109. David Heinemeier Hansson, CTO, 37signals - Is it time to leave...

109. David Heinemeier Hansson, CTO, 37signals – Is it time to leave the cloud?

In this episode, we speak with David Heinemeier Hansson, CTO, 37signals, who built Basecamp, Hey, and created Ruby on Rails!

We talked with David about his decision to leave the cloud. Yes, you read that right, they’ve moved their offerings out of the cloud setup we all know as standard in B2B SaaS. Here is what we address in this episode:  

– What does it mean to leave the cloud?
– Why and how is it done?
– What are the risks associated with such a move?
– How does this affect internal competence needs?
– What does it do to customer relationships?

These are some of the many topics we address with David. Please tune in to hear from his learnings on doing what many would consider, the unthinkable, moving out of the cloud.

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