HomeSaaSiest Digital 2022 VideosYour Strategic Message Map the soul searching process of building strategic alignment...

Your Strategic Message Map the soul searching process of building strategic alignment as you scale!

Call it what you want – a “Message Map”, a “Blueprint”, a “Manifesto”, it is a foundational document that builds needed alignment around four core tenets of any strategy: vision, mission, competitive positioning, and persona-based USPs. In creating this holy grail internal document (and revisiting it regularly) you are forced to reckon with the divergent opinions that inevitably develop (and return) as you scale up and new influential leaders join. This session will help you understand why putting the answers to these questions down on paper in a concise format, holding the document in high regard, using it as a litmus test for new ideas, and referencing it often is so important. And it will provide you with a simple-to-follow template and process for putting your own strategic message map together.

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