HomePodcast145. Krzysztof Szyszkiewicz, Partner, Valueships - The importance of pricing and how...

145. Krzysztof Szyszkiewicz, Partner, Valueships – The importance of pricing and how it affects your profitability

In this episode, we speak with Krzysztof Szyszkiewicz, Partner at Valueships, the pricing consultancy firm that helps companies become more profitable by optimizing their strategy, pricing, value understanding, and overall revenue-related processes.

We talked with Krzysztof about the importance of pricing and how it can impact a company’s profitability. We discuss insights from our recent report on SaaS pricing trends in the Nordics, highlighting the lack of differentiation in pricing plans and the missed opportunity for add-ons.

Here are some of the things we talked about: 

– What role should pricing have in your company? 

– How do you prevent value deterioration when adding new features?

– Why do you need to be careful when discounting your product offerings?

– How do you leverage add-ons to drive increased profitability?

These are some of the many questions we address with Krzysztof. Please tune in to learn more about the challenges of pricing, the importance of differentiation, and the impact add-ons can have on your business.

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